Beloved Bowling Alley Goes Up in Flames – Entertainment News Today

This was the Levittown bowling alley that was in operation for several years. In this clip we will tell you the history of this much-loved bowling alley that became a blaze.

In the morning of March 30 2022, the time was five a.m. Neighbors woke up to the sound of sirens. At to the Levittown Lanes Bowling Alley, the smoke rose up in black. The town’s firefighters were swiftly asked to help put out the flames. The roof was in a state of instability by the time they reached the scene. It was difficult to get the flames out. The fire was put out by 8am. The bowling alley had been completely charged. This icon of the community will never be saved through any kind of repair. We can only hope that they decide to build a new bowling alley near. The fire did not cause injuries since nobody was present at the bowling alley when it happened. Some of the nearby houses were slightly burnt. They didn’t suffer any significant destruction. The cause is currently under investigation.


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